I'll agree with everything Lynn said except for the naked torso stuff. Chloe and Lois, maybe... okay, so it's a family show. laugh

I would like to add that Lex needs to work on his reaction time. He was far too quick on the brakes. Just another five feet and our Lana troubles would have been over.

Where was Jason? Did they forget to dig the body out from under the house? Or is he going to be haunting them from under the floorboards once they rebuild?

My signal broke up (!~@!@#!~!@! stupid over-the-air HDTV signals) with Clark holding onto that rebar and came back just in time to see these two yo-yo's peeking through the Phantom Zone window. How'd he get them in there?

-- Roger

"The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." -- Benjamin Franklin