@ CC Aiken : Oh yeah, you're totally right with Chloe being Lois and I've said that months and years before as well. I haven't seen much of the Lois Lane of Smallville but to me that's more and more a convenient support character than the 'future Mrs. Superman'!
You're unfortunately also right about Lana being somewhat invulnerable but I do see this fact lightly as Bruce Willis gets hurt twice as much in each of his action-movies and still lives laugh In the beginning of Smallville, Lana was a great and at first sight a bit shallow character, for a show with teenage audience. (Unfortunately?) SV's not at the beginning anymore and Lana ... doesn't fit.

@ ChaaBreh : Sorry to disappoint you but you're about 4 years too late if you want to start about Clark lying to Lex. As long as they've known each other, Clark was conceiling the truth from him by changing topics, not answering or playing dumb=lying. In most cases it's probably only semantics but I cannot imagine that in 4 years of Smallville he never openly lied to Lex or another character.
But the important thing is the difference between LnC (how I know Clark's past) versus Smallville, where he's out there playing superhero in his teen years and having several close friends on the brink of telling them about his alien'ness. Therefore I can surely understand the need for his actions and lies.

.. another thing I noticed after watching the episode a second time. Don't you think it's strange that there were exactly 2 images of Smallville on national TV (the scene with Chloe & Clark in some hospital) and then Clark immediately knows that his parents "didn't get out"? The second question might be explainable as I didn't see the previous episode but the first one .. that's just too simple wink