I have read the K-site forum,the Zoomway board and now this feedback thread. Mostly, everyone loved the premiere (the ratings were good enough for the WB to post a press release about it!)

I, too, felt that the two K=ers were too easy to defeat. However, it did lull Clark into that false sense of security, and maybe there is a master plan that we're not aware of yet.

I don't like Lex and Clark lying to each other. In the Superman movies, Clark as Superman tells Lois is in her big interview that he never lies. Now I guess he's not S-man yet, but I don't like Clark out and out lying to Lex. It's OK for Lex to lie, because hs IS Lex Luthor, and that's what he does, but Clark should have found a way to avoid the questions.

Perhaps this is why Lex and Clark part ways, and maybe in part, we can understand Lex's future hatred of Clark AKA Superman. He thought they were friends, he did a lot for the Kents (bought their farm back from bankruptcy a few times in fact), and they didn't trust him with Clark's secret.

Obviously Lex always knows that Clark is Superman. Perhaps he never revealed it to the world because of that small part of him that remembers and loves the Kents.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to Lois' transition to the world of reporting and her "stripper" eppy, only because it looks like her and Clark have some very close-up conversations and I'm also looking forward to seeing him get jealous with the Aquaman eppy.

I really really hope that TPTB can keep the excitement going this year. Last year they very nearly jumped the shark!


"Together we are stronger than each of us is apart"