

I’m late. It took me until today to see the whole thing. And now I’m just staring at this screen trying to calm my Inner Superman Fangirl enough to be somewhat coherent and thoughtful. But all she really wants to do is.... SING! And frolic through meadows of dewy flowers! And count aloud the number of times the Superman theme tootled in the background while TW was being especially Supermanish, which was pretty much throughout....



The love. Do you feel it?

Favorite things:

The Fortress (oh, yay!).

That Jor-el is instructing Clark in all he’ll need to know and Clark stops because Chloe is there and needs his help. This theme was as prevalent as the musical Superman one. Clark will save, just as Jor-el tells him he must, but he’ll never do it How and When and as Unemotionally as Jor-el would have him do. I like Kal-el and Jor-el’s on-going tug-of-war over who Clark is. That being the son of Bo and Martha Kent has had so much influence on him that he drives Daddy-El crazy.

That Chloe is there! (more on this later) Their conversation afterwards and the way she said just the exact. right. thing. when he told her he wasn’t from around here. Also, liked how neither one of them used the word ‘alien.’ Chloe started to and stopped herself. (more on this later)

Lana’s first words of the season: “Please don’t hurt me.” Because I could swear I heard a million frustrated viewers mutter, “No, please do. I beg you.” I’ve decided the writers have a twisted sense of humor. Consider how we were teased. She crashes in a helicopter during a meteor shower. Then another helicopter crashes down right beside her. Burning wreckage, flying heat vision, bullets a plenty, stepping in front of Lex’s car annnnnd.... she’s not hurt. Ok, she has a limp and some strategically attractive cuts on her face. But... gah! Has anyone checked? Is Lana invulnerable??

Bo Kent lives. I adore his seething, nostril-flaring, angry-protective Father to a Superhero. Since Smallville occasionally breaks-out into fits of canon, I worry that he’ll be killed off. Who does weary, tough-loving concern as well? No. Not Martha. She does anguished, long suffering. It’s easy to confuse the two.

Clark lying to Lex. And actually, it wasn’t an entire lie. Lex asked if he was in the cave when the meteors hit and he wasn’t. He was hanging out at the North Pole with the crystal. But all the stuff on the edges of that conversation- Chloe’s whereabouts, the bright light- Clark denied knowledge of. And he did it in these very formal, very flat tones that clearly said “I am lying.” Which Lex clearly heard. They look like who they’ll become in this scene.

Other things:

I went blind and deaf when Clark walked into Lana’s room at the end. I’m assuming he talked her into going abroad for college...? Seems a shame to waste her life sitting around one small, meteor-riddled town.

I do think our Twin Kryptonians served a (limited) purpose. One, focus on them and forget the ship and the Liquid Spike contained within. Defeat them and get this sense of false security. Two, they’re so horrible, right down to the icy stares and matching outfits, thus in keeping with Clark’s every experience with any and all things Kryptonian being negative. All the more reason for him to be relieved and more than ready to accept his loss of powers and the idea that Jor-el is done with him. Why would he want any part of being K? When all he really, truly wants is to be Clark Kent, Kansas farmboy, lover to.... never mind.

Last thing (it's later):

Chloe is Lois. No. She is. Maybe she doesn’t have the name, but in every way that counts, in every way that matters, she *is* Lois. She knows who Clark is. She told him to “Go.” And when he used his powers in front of her, she gave that nice, “Whoa.”

She’s as Lois as Lois can be.


(Lab, you've seen the second season of BG? Did you feel the love??)

You mean we're supposed to have lives?

Oh crap!
