I saw it. In fact, I thought about sitting down and writing up my thoughts immediately after the episode was over, but I decided I needed some gel time.

I was going to go about this in a Great/Good/Bad kind of way, but really, I either loved stuff or absolutely hated it.

* OMG, James Marsters!!! Can I tell you what a freakish James Marsters fangirl I am? The idea of him on this show has given me thrills all summer. But to actually see him. WooHoo! I'll watch Clark and Lana make out all season just so I can see James Marsters. CC - you can definitely have Evil Lex. I want Evil James.

* Yeah, that Fortress of Solitude was pretty cool even if it was a direct copy from the movie. I guess if it is based on canon, it couldn't deviate too much. I mean, come on, we all know how carefully TPTB at Smallville follow canon. *Snort*

* Loved, loved, loved that conversation between Clark and Chloe. I love that she knows and now he knows she knows. Actually, I would have preferred for that scene to have been extended quite a bit. I'm sure Chloe has a gazillion questions, and it would be fun to watch Clark answer them.

Hated It:
* Please, someone, tell me what was the point of Kryptonian Girl and Kryptonian Boy? I mean, other than the fact that the writers finally got to use the name Zod? So incredibly wasted. They posed a threat for, what, all of ten minutes? They were defeated almost easier than any run of the mill Freak of the Week. So utterly and completely pointless.

* Oh, look, Martha, Jonathan and Lana ended up in the hospital. How clever and unique.

* I don't think I'm going to be able to take an entire season of Clark and Lana. I just don't. I have absolutely no desire for these two to be together. I felt nothing but disgust over their "Lana's bedside confession". Their kiss left me not just cold but queasy. Honestly, I don't think I could care less about these two as a couple. It will be the first time - ever - in my history of watching television that I will fast forward through the show's romance so I can focus on the A-plot.

* I loved Lois in last night's epi, don't get me wrong. I'm ecstatic that they didn't ship her off to Metropolis. But I just can't stand the idea of another season of her being a prop character. Kind of like, she's just there because of her name and to play the comedian to Clark's straight guy. Erica Durance and Tom Welling crackle in their scenes together. And I'm willing to anger the Superman Canon gods by suggesting that the writers have Lois and Clark begin their relationship now, way earlier than it's supposed to, just to take advantage of the actors' chemistry.

* Okay, I wrote the story of Clark losing his virginity to a non-Lois character. Yes, I did it and I'm guilty to the extreme of breaking the sacred commandment of Clark Shalt Sleep With No-One But Lois. So it would seem I have no room at all to complain if the Smallville crew want to get Lana and Clark naked (and this is based on previews for the upcoming season). But...well, okay, vomit. I just can't swallow this.

And it's not because Lana isn't Lois. Really, I've proven that I can handle Clark sleeping with a non-Lois woman if that's where the story goes. But I have to still want him to sleep with this non-Lois person. I have to love her and I have to believe that Clark loves her and that she is the right person for Clark at the time. Smallville has strung this pointless relationship out for so long and has pushed us all so far past the point of caring that Clark might as well have had sex with Alicia. At least then we could have written it off as date-rape and he could have pretended it didn't happen.

I have a feeling my eyeballs will be gouged out regularly this season. And I think in order to make up to me what they are going to put me through, they need to work a ratio of two James Marsters and Tom Welling naked torso shots for every public display of affection (as in, we have to see it) between Clark and Lana. In fact, if Clark and Lana go horizontal, I insist on something similar to Season 4's premier episode. You remember. Naked Clark? Perhaps something with James that involves baby oil...

Well, CC, looks like this may be the year for your Lexy. He's really bad now, not just drawn that way. wink


You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah