I don't think I have a right to actually say something here since I don't live in US and I'm not an American citizen.
Me neither Quel, but... we try to give our two cents here.

My vote as a resident from Porto Alegre means as much as a vote from a resident from São Paulo. What counts is the number each candidate gets in the popular election.
she´s right. i live in rio de janeiro which is way bigger than her state and her vote counts just like mine. One men, one vote. Well, in this case, one woman, one vote. lol

I didn't vote for Lula, for example but he won and it was fair because he got more votes but all votes counted in the end .
i voted for him! And he won! But I like the other candidate too. Both wanted the best for our country.

As for the way you vote there Brazil should send you some electronic vote machines j/k I waited 1 minute to vote for Mayor and my city is huge

All I wish is peace for the world but I'm afraid about what's going to happen now
the electronic system of brazil consists in a machine on each section that carries a diskette. the president of the section authorizes u by the means of a password to vote only once. You press ur candidate number and confirm. You voter's registration card returns to u after that.

After 5pm, the diskettes are sealed and they go to the Federal agency to be inserted on a computer and the votes are counted. the information goes to a mainframe and at night we all know who was elected, even in national elections.

It is not perfect, but we are proud that this system seems to be (up to now) flawless and fast. We do hope the Americans and the Europeans that came to learn about our system can do the same in other countries. at least the tension would be released soon and people would know who won faster.

Peace is all we want, but sometimes people dont go on straight lines... they take the curves.

I just hope we all find the way out... together.

MDL. (who will now hide with Quel. laugh )

"Work while you have the light. You are responsible for the talent that has been entrusted to you."