In other words, with a direct vote system, nobody would give a crap about what Rhode Island thinks.
Well, it's funny. With the exception of ads and mailings for local politicians and initiatives, here in California you'd barely even know that this was an election year. It was accepted weeks - months? - ago that California was going to go for Kerry, so both candidates stopped campaigning here, didn't broadcast any ads.

Now, I'm a Canadian citizen living in the US, so I can't vote. But if I did, I would be upset at living in a system where the candidates just didn't bother to campaign in my state for weeks, figuring it was a waste of time and money. For me, then depending on which political party I belonged to I might see it as a waste of my time to bother to vote, right? And that's hardly the message that the leaders of our government want to convey to the public.


"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5