Hey guys, now you know how I felt in '96 wink North Carolina pretty much always goes Republican for president (and just as often has a Democrat governor, go figure), and we went for Dole, but Clinton won anyway. And yeah, this year, Bush took us pretty much for granted. It happens. I always vote anyway.

Oh, and Kathy...

I think it's a safe bet that if we would have had the same results as 2000, only with the Democratic candidate winning, the Republican party would have been first in line to criticize the electoral college.
I really have to disagree with this. Hey, we're conservative; we don't want to toss out a 200+ year system just because it didn't break our way one time...

PJ smile

"You told me you weren't like other men," she said, shaking her head at him when the storm of laughter had passed.
He grinned at her - a goofy, Clark Kent kind of a grin. "I have a gift for understatement."
"You can say that again," she told him.
"I have a...."
"Oh, shut up."

--Stardust, Caroline K