The thing about the EC is that no state can have less than 3 EVs. It's based on the number of congressmen. Every state has 2 senators, and representatives are based on popluation. So, even a state with a total popluation lower than that of Manhattan Island gets 3 EVs.

On the one hand, that means that no state gets left out. Small states still matter.

On the other hand, it means that minority votes in any given state (CA, for example) don't count. It also means that a vote in a small state counts proportionately more than a vote in a larger state. Even with EVs split proportionately, some votes won't really count. What do you do, for example, if your state has 4 EVs and the population is split 55/45? Maine was split 52/48, but Kerry still got all 4 of their votes because the system is by county (or something).

So, okay, we're in a democratic republic. Our leaders/representatives are elected by the people, but government is handled through the states (Congress, for example, works via state representatives, not direct public election). The system is designed around state's rights, with Federal power spread around to prevent a tyrany from arising.

That's still not a good enough reason, IMHO, to have a national popluar election in which some votes count more than others or perhaps not at all.

Of course, as mentioned, it's not likely to change. We'd need a constitutional amendment, and the odds are stacked against that.

Oh well. There are worse problems.


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.