* Celebrated my 30th wedding anniversary in Cancun, Mexico -- on Cinco de Mayo no less

* My sister and I had our first "girls' week out" in Nashville, Tennessee. No husbands, no kids -- just sightseeing and fun. And we even saw a country music star in front of a restaurant -- Lorrie Morgan -- in addition to the ones we saw at the Grand Ole Opry

* Made great strides in my work as a book reviewer and even met several authors I've reviewed for

* Sold our motorhome -- what a relief

* Our younger son was awarded in-state status for tuition purposes so his scholarship now covers 100% of his expenses

* Same son was at one point ranked #13 in the nation in the 1500 meter run

* Older son completed the thesis for one of his college degrees with high accolades from his professor. His ideas have been presented at symposiums in Florida and Hawaii. He began his thesis for his other degree and will complete it in 2004 (see 2004 list)

* Entered my first writing contest with a human interest essay

* Began my first piece of non-L&C fiction and submitted it to a online critique group of published and unpublished authors with pretty good results

* By next week this time both my children will be back at college. I love them, but lordy they're eating me out of house and home, not to mention cluttering up the house. laugh

* #1 son will graduate from college with degrees in architecture and interior design in May

* The following week my husband and I will attend a 4 day writers/reviewers retreat in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee

* #2 son will turn 21 and his auto insurance rates will drop

* In July, I'm attending the RWA national conference in Dallas, Texas. Can you say excited??? smile1

* I'd like to take some writing courses, either locally or online.

* I'm getting braces later this month so I'll be a middle-aged metal mouth

There's probably lots more but I can't think of it.

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