Well let's see:

smile I celebrated my first wedding anniv on Sept 1st. That made me very happy.

smile I went to the States for the first time over the summer (Around North Dakota and later in the summer to, more specifically, Mall of America).

smile Discovered the Folc world.

smile Started my CGA (accounting) designation. Finally starting something so I can start my adult life in a way. (To me).

smile Finally got help to help me with my severe anxiety and depression. I feel more alive now than I have in the past four years.

smile Lost about 15 lbs.

smile My dog celebrated her 17th birthday and she still acts like a puppy only she sleeps more.

smile Started hanging out with my old best friend again.

Hopes for 2004:

Loose more weight and gain back my muscle I had before I started working at McDonald's.

Get back into martial arts.

Get an accounting job.

One bad thing for 2003, had to get a loan for the first time, I hope in 2004 to pay it down and start saving up for a house!

Go out and conquer the world!

I've converted to lurk-ism... hopefully only temporary.