What a great idea! It's so cool to see everyone's great accomplishments. Here's a few of mine....

blush Graduated from Syracuse University in May (Cum Laude)!

laugh Lost 25 lbs. since May (got interested in exercise)!

clap Got a job in my field (art history) - I work at the Brooklyn Museum of Art!

notworthy Joined this MB, published my first L&C Fanfics, and met some amazing people!

:p Got a new fish tank and new fishies, my old fish is still in good health, as is my dog!

sloppy Attended my cousin's wedding, got to reacquaint with some family members I didn't know so well (my 8-year-old cousin is my new best friend)!

-Wanda Detroit (my renewed interest in FoLCdom is definitely a highlight of 2003. Thank you, everybody!)

"He's a man. I'm a woman. Do you want me to draw you a diagram?" -Lois Lane, I've Got a Crush on You.