I also am a fairly voracious reader. I used to always have a book handy and never went a day without reading. Nowadays, I haven't picked up a book. Rather, I'm lugging around my laptop with wireless networking, reading fanfic. smile

As for fanfic reading habits, I like the long ones, so I read those if they show up on the archives. I also save on my hard drive the ones I like best so I can re-read them when I run out of other things to read. Lately, I started reading a lot of the WIPs on the message board, though I haven't read them all. Some of the longer ones, I try to stay away from until they're near done or completely done. Sometimes, I'll read the first section of a long story and get trapped, like Wendy's current WIP and Leela's WIP. I just thought I'd check to see what it's about and the next thing I know, I've spent the last three or four hours reading all the parts.

I never could get into Harry Potter. I picked up the first book, but after two tries couldn't get past Chapter 3. The writing style just couldn't keep my attention so I moved onto other books. There are other writers I have a lot of trouble with at the beginnings of their books, like Anne Rice and Barbara Hambly. After five or six tries, once I get past the first few chapters, I can fly through the rest of the book. With others, like Tom Clancy, I have a lot of trouble putting down the book after the first page.

-- Roger

"The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." -- Benjamin Franklin