Hmmmmmmmmmm. Definitely a binge reader of novels - lately I've got into the habit of persuading Stuart to give me £15-20 every couple of months and spending it on secondhand books on Amazon. You can make that cash go a long way if you shop around.

It's like Christmas morning when they arrive. <G> The system is so simple these days - just pay online with your credit/debit card and the book arrives within a couple of days. On one glorious morning I got up to find four parcels on the doormat. <G>

I then tend to just open one, read till I'm through, open another and keep going till I've exhausted them. I do tend to do that to the exclusion of anything else - and often feel guilty that I haven't turned up in irc for three evenings in a row because I've been curled up on the sofa reading instead. :rolleyes: So if I vanish for days at a time, bet your bottom dollar it's because I've got a new consignment of reading material in. wink

I do try not to gallop through them in one go though, but savour them. I like to always have a book lying on the table next to my sofa that I can pick up and dip into on and off over a few days. But if I get deep into a story I can rarely avoid the temptation to just keep going for one more chapter, and usually have to force myself to put it down and go do something else instead.

I used to read fanfic in the same way, but I must admit that I don't like reading on the pc that much. It's just not that comfortable sitting at a desk. I miss the days when I'd print off dozens of stories at a time and curl up on the sofa with them and a mug of something hot or a cool drink. But I can't afford to print that much these days. frown

So I tend to read less fanfic than I used to.

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers