Good question!

As for fanfic... That I tend to read in a more paced way. I generally only keep up with a fic or two at a time due to time constraints (can't be tied to a computer for long intervals.) And, when I am reading something, it is usually at a slower pace.

I tend to be a binge reader when it comes to books. I will tear through a book at break neck pace and then be disappointed when I finish it... Not because the book wasn't good, but usually because it was good and now I'm done with it. grumble It depends on the book though. Give me any Nicholas Sparks book and I can tear through it. The same thing with a few other authors. Other books I read maybe a chapter or two at a time, but that is never me limiting my reading, that tends to be my lack of time limiting my reading.

Jana (who is impatiently waiting for the Wedding to come out so she can run to the store and buy it)

"Don't you people have lives?!?" ~Joe on Wings

"An eternal, burning flame. Hope lives on and love remains." ~from Love Remains, by Collin Raye