I began learning to read when I was 2 years and a half, and was a perfect reader (of Greek, of course smile ) until the age of 3, 3 and a couple of months. Snice then I am a maniac reader. I read almost everything I find in my way - magazines, newspapers, books, fanfiction etc., and the fact that I am a really quick reader helps me a lot.

When I read something, for example a book, I can't stop until I finish it. Last Christmas, I read Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I began it at 7 pm, and didn't stop reading until I finished it, the same night at 3.45 am!

I hate interrupting my reading, unless it's something I *know* I can't read just in one day(that happens usually when it is very big, or I have plenty of works to do). Still, many times I prefer to wait until I have the time to read it on the whole, rather than beginning it and hoping I'll finish it later.

As for fanfic, now, I mostly read the posted in the mbs fics, so, if it is a big story in parts, I read every part when it is posted. However, when it is an one-part story or a big story I find in the Archive, I read it on its whole (unless I don't have enough time - I share the PC with my two brothers!!)

AnnaBtG.(who have always loved conversations about reading and stuff like this)

What we've got here is failure to communicate...