I always stick my name on the bottom of my post, its automatic. I also sometime put in a little comment after it. Usually it's so that whoever is reading the post gets a handle on my mood at the time - no body language online sometinmes makes it difficult to decide if some is joking/being serious etc, then sometimes I just feel like it! wink

I love sigs especially witty/funny ones (I'm so glad you've reinstated FARCE, Pam, I remembered seeing it on Zoom's boards and loved it! rotflol ), but I can never seem to think of really good ones myself! My sig at the moment it courtesy of a cool random quote generator on the Unix OS that I used last summer. I'm thinking of changing it, but not sure what to.


"Inappropriate attachment" didn't begin to cover the depth of the feelings Vaughn had for Sydney Bristow.
~Ties That Bind by RJ Anderson~

I ramble at http://www.livejournal.com/~loriel_eris