well, i sign my posts Paul.. it's about the only time i use a capital letter for a proper name when posting (which i think of more as talking with my fingers). if i use my name in the body of a post, i won't use caps. it's just for the signature.

as for my sig file, that changes at my whim. it's always something of my own creation, and i basically wait for inspiration to hit out of left field.

i've used:

my forrest gump adaption "life is like a box of chocolates- without chocolate, it's empty!"

an odd thought about star wars: "boba, i am your father... or, well, a clone of your father, which makes me more of an uncle... but then again, we're the same generation, so maybe more of a brother... anyway, the point is we're family so please don't shoot me! - last words of an uncounted number of imperial stormtroopers"

"when life hands you lemons, think chemical energy!" which is actually taken from something one of my favorite MIT professors told us

"... and who, disguised as a mild-mannered MIT student, fights a never-ending battle for truth, justice, and lo-cal hot chocolate with little sugar-free marshmallows."

and a few others that aren't coming to mind offhand.

i also like "never leave the room while your hand is still glued to the telephone - kermit d frog" but don't think i've ever used it as a sig.


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.