
I sort of cobbled my sig parameters from something Tank (I think it was) was doing on the boards at the time, as well as what one of the posters to one of my organist lists was also doing at the time. Thought they were both cute, and figured I could combine them into one. Polly always signed her posts 'from her ivory tower', so that's where I got the idea for the Rock. Then Tank was always signing his with a sig of him doing something or other. So I had me doing something or other in conjunction with my Rock. I do it on all my list posts now, as well as all my MBs posts, in all my fandoms, and I've sort of made a name for myself with it. Sometimes I'll delurk on one list, and someone will say 'Oh, I remember you from XXX list (sometimes a completely different fandom), because you're the girl under the Rock!)

Oh well...

Melisma (slinking back under her Rock to admire her first Kerth award smile )


Do, or do not. There is no try.
- Yoda