Who is Victor Griffin? I can’t recall the character at present and I’m too tired to look him up.

Hmmm.... So if # 2 and # 6 are equally beautiful and both are played by Teri Hatcher, I would have thought # 3 would also be played by Teri Hatcher, but # 3 isn’t played by her. But two other women that are considered two of the most beautiful women in the world have been in the show. They were both single (or assumed to be so) at the time. Neither were paid by taxpayers. There is only one, though that I think is usually very tan. So is # 3 Diana Stride (played by Raquel Welch)?
Hmm... so it’s not Raquel. Let’s see... This woman would sell her grandmother’s soul... Would tell Clark’s secret in a minute or less than that... And she’s a very beautiful woman. So if it’s not Diana Stride (Raquel Welch), I’m thinking it must be the other woman on the show who is one of the most beautiful women in the world. So is # 3 Arianna Carlin (played by Emma Samms)? I cannot think of another character who would be considered that beautiful!

Hmm.... Did #7 use red or green kryptonite?

Are you sure #7 is weaker than Alice? Or am I reading that incorrectly?

Which season(s) was #8 in?

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~