There were two episodes with young Martha and Jonathan flashbacks. In one episode they made K and Eddie look stupid by dressing them up to be thirty years younger than they were. In the other episode (the Trask episode where he talks about burying the ship) Jonathan had a good-looking young guy in the role. (No offense, James.)

Rumor has it that Henderson not only was played by three different actors, but also changed races along the way. I'll have to rewatch season 1 to confirm.

Also Ching was played by one actor in season 2 and a different actor is season 3. (Or was that seasons 3 and 4?)

I've come up with more questions. The pain killers are working.

2) Have we ever seen #10 in a dress or skirt?
3) Is #1 a father?
4) As far as we know, is #6 good at fibbing?