Originally posted by Elisabeth:
Yippee! Persistance pays!

1) If my computer was broken which of the remaining eight would most likely be able to diagnose the problem?

2) If wikapedia existed back in their day, which of the remaining would be more likely to want to set the record straight on the issues they saw?

3) Which ones would most likely be able to use a lock-pick?

4) Of the five remaining females which ones have turned Jimmy's head?
Q1 #10
Q2 There are two possible ones. Both #7 and #8 would both be opinionated enough to make updates.
Q3 Possibly #8 and #10
Q4 none.


Originally posted by smileyd:
Any chance of an update?

1. I'd like to repeat my desert island question from part1: Who would be first eaten?

2. Ditto: Who would assume power?

3. Who was only seen in Season 4?

4. Were any at the 'actual' wedding?
Q0 see post following this one.
Q1 I really don't do cannabalism thinking very well. It sort of turns my stomach. So, a different way of looking at this question would be: First one Voted off the Island would be #7.
Q2 #7 would attempt, but fail miserably (See answer to Q1). #8 Would also try, and would probably cheat their way to leadership. But #5 would have what it takes to win, fairly.
Q3 Though mentioned throughout the series, #5 was only seen in Season 4.
Q4 no.

“…with God everything is possible.” Matthew 19:26.

Also read Nan's Terran Underground!