It may be that I had to work 3 hours overtime last night. It may be that I didn't get enough sleep, so if my response sounds grumpy, I am really trying my best not to be.

Simply throwing out names is a quick way of killing the game for me.

Don't guess unless you are reasonably certain that you know who it is. Guessing two persons for the same is not a way to decide which one is the correct one. Ask a definitive question that will answer it for you. I realize that can give it away to someone else, but we should be happy when we help our fellow FOLC. Similar to the guess the hangman game that we had for a while.

Just a reminder, I have a pool of about 100 LnC characters, so every list has at least 1 very famous character and 1 knowable character, if you put all the clues to together. The other 8 fall somewhere in-between. And they don't all fall in the same pattern.
If you see a Lois Lane, you will not normally be seeing anyone else on the same popularity level. Honestly, Jonathan Kent was a fluke to have with Lois. Most only have one really populare one, one or two semi popular ones and a "who was that?" kind of person. Everyone else falls inbetween, but have a chance of being discovered if the right question is asked.

Also, please try and read the previous posts before guessing. #5 was already guessed correctly as Alice White.

And use the Recaps. I know I was late last night, but I was stuck at work and I was working my butt off. I can't tell you the number of times I had to travel between two different floors to access two different user's workstations to try and resolve an issue (after three hours we gave up. We will be starting again as soon as I get to work in less than an hour.

Sorry, had to vent about that....

Anyway, none of Classicalla's or GuineaPants' guesses were correct.

So let's get into the spirit of the game.

BTW, I loved your reasoning on guessing Jason Trask, even though it was wrong, in the last game Classicalla. I have wondered what was behind a correct or even incorrect guess and you did a beautiful job.

How about we try this. For direct guesses, like, 'is #3 so and so?' give the reason or clue that lead you to that guess. It would be interesting to hear the thought processes behind the guess.


“…with God everything is possible.” Matthew 19:26.

Also read Nan's Terran Underground!