#1 Jonathan Kent (Elisabeth)
Best on a deserted island.
Played by more than one actor.
Is a father.
Related to Lois and Clark.

#2 Lois Lane (Classicalla)
Tied with #3 & #6 for most beautiful.
I wouldn't trust #2 until I got to know them well
Appeared in more than one episode.
Has been on TV recently.
Has had super powers.
May be Lois.
Worked for the Daily Planet.
Related to Lois and Clark.
Best singer.
Works at for a Public Institution.
Has time traveled to the past.

1.Tied with #2 & #6 for most beautiful.
2.Younger than #8.
3.Only in one season.
4.Works at for a Public Institution.
5.Not Cat Grant.
6.Not Mayson Drake.
7.Not Lola Dane.
8.Not Wanda Detroit.
9.Not Angel.
10.Not played by Teri Hatcher.
12.Not payed by taxpayers.
13.She would definitely try to tan and show as much skin as

she could.

1.Most likely to be fired by Donald Trump.
2.I would trust #4 over #2, initially.
3.Not male
4.Actress passed away.
5.A criminal.
6.Not Mindy.
7.Season 2 only.
8.Would rather be known for her beauty than brains.
9.Got where she was for by working hard.

#5 Alice White (Elisabeth)
Stonger than #7.
Actress passed away.
Doesn't know CK=S
Could be a leader.
Only seen in Season 4, but mentioned throughout.

#6 Clois (CarolM)
Tied with #2 & #3 for most beautiful.
Better known, supposedly, than #10
Excellent fibber.
Has been on TV recently.
May be Lois.
Worked at the Daily Planet.
Related to Lois and Clark.
Is not Lois.
Is a child, in the strict sense.
Not Cat Grant.

1.Weaker than #5.
2.Not female.
3.A criminal.
4.Would be in to Wiki-corrections, probably.
5.Would be voted off the island.
6.Would attempt to be leader.
7.Not tall or handsome.
8.Not Big Buster.
9.Guilty of at least two kinds of crime, though one might

be exagerated.

1.Get the big bucks for best bachelor.
2.Is older than #3.
3.A criminal.
4.Would be in to Wiki-corrections, probably.
5.Could possibly use a Lock-Pick.
6.Would attempt to be leader.
7.Not Bill Church Jr.
8.Not Lex.
9.Not Spencer Spencer.

2.Worked at the Daily Planet.
3.Works at for a Public Institution.
4.Not Lady Zara or Angela.
5.Dresses for her profession.

1.He is male
2.Not well known.
3.Has probably NOT worn female clothing.
4.A criminal.
5.Does not like CK or S.
6.Problably a computer geek.
7.Could possibly use a Lock-Pick.
8.Not The Toyman or Fat Head.
9.Not Tempus.
10.Not Jaxon Xavier.

None of the remaining females would turn Jimmy's head.
None were at the actual wedding.
No Aliases, this time.
None are Kryptonians.

“…with God everything is possible.” Matthew 19:26.

Also read Nan's Terran Underground!