I've always had problems with the way they did the show. mad

1. Lex coming back from the dead. Face it he jumped off the tallest building in Metropolis. It would be like jumping off the top of the Empire State Building. Basically his body would be a scrambled mess. There is no way to fix his body and bring him back. Just about every bone broken, broken skull, brains oozing out, etc. Medically we just don't have the skills to bring someone back from this kind of trauma. Lex, even if they could, would have suffered terrible brain damage. There is so much we don't know about the brain to bring someone back who could function.

2. It had to be the real Lois at the wedding and reception. Clois was to child like. She could not have maintained the Lois personality through all that. She couldn't have maintained it at all. The Clois person was a child. I think Clark would have realized it before they even made it home except they chose to make him an idiot here.

3. I always hated that they had one date and then were engaged. Always thought that they could have done 1 to 2 full seasons of them just dating. Gone on for a while without her knowning, then the confession of the secret, the dealing with it, getting to know Clark as a whole etc. We were cheated by skipping all this. grumble

So these were my main gripes with the show. As for the final wedding - I believe it was actually the comic book that decided to come out with a wedding issue to coincide with the show.