Okay, there've been no new captions today so I guess it's time for me to pick a winner. Lots of good ones here - I laughed at Paul's image of Clark collaping at the thought of Superman's exhaustion, and Laura's 'pucker up' raised a grin too. Tank's haircut made me groan. goofy And as for Paul's TOGOM rewrites... laugh

But these two really did it for me:

Lois: Clark?! Clark, I was kidding! I'm not really having Lex's baby; it was an April Fool's joke! Clark?!


Clark (thinking): I should tell her I'm not really dead...

Lois: Stand back, everyone! I'm going to try mouth-to-mouth!

Clark: Then again...

The winner is: Queen of the Capes! Step up, Mary!

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*