picture #1:

lois: ... and what were you thinking with that tie? where do you get these things, and why do you wear them? look at it! just look at it! how could you wear something like that? can't you...

clark (silently): lord, grant me the patience and the strength...


picture #2:

clark, thinking: okay, they're not looking... good. so, i'll just toss this ear of corn up into the air, focus my heat vision, and by the time it comes down... popcorn!


clark: come on, lois! you can do it! come on, you've done scarier things!

lois, thinking: what am i doing here? how did clark convince me to enter myself in the corn queen pagent? why does the corn queen pagent have a high diving contest? where do they come up with this stuff? and just who dug a pool deep enough for this right in the middle of a cornfield?


clark: here, krypto! come on boy! here boy! come on, krypto! land here and be a good boy before anyone notices i have a flying dog. no, krypto! no chasing the airplanes, krypto!


clark, thinking: okay, clear day. the wind is coming from... the northwest. next hole is in wichita. i've got a 3 wood, so that should be okay... no planes overhead...

clark, out loud: FORE!

When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.