Hi Lauren and MouseRocks,

Based on your recommendations, I checked out the demo for Celtx. I won't be using it on a regular basis, but it does look like it would be handy if I ever wanted to write a story in script format. I went to the program's main site, but they waned an e-mail address -- something I would prefer not to give out. So I went to download.cnet.com and downloaded it from there.

Thanks for the suggestion. smile

Virginia, I, too, tend to write my stories from beginning straight through until the end. But given how short my stories are, that usually isn't too difficult. The very few times I've had stories of any length or complexity*, I've written outlines and have, on occasion, written a sentence or scene out of order when the perfect phrasing happens to come to me.


* By "any length or complexity," I mean relative to most of my stories -- even my lengthiest and most complex stories are small and simple compared to some of those by some other authors...