The main reason I mentioned my son marrying at 21 was that I've been surprised by the generally negative response the couple have received - not from immediate family, but from extended family and friends.

What surprises me is that if they'd announced they were moving in together, I think the response would have been less negative.

Given that moving in together generally means sleeping together and sleeping together means the possibility of pregnancy, I can't really see why marriage is considered such a HUGE commitment, whereas moving in together is considered a more transitional stage.

If pregnancy occurs, the two people are tied together for the life of the child - often 50 years or more. Married, not married, actively despising each other, fighting battles in courts, niggling over details, together and in love - regardless of the situation, having a child with someone almost always means you're in relationship with that person for a very long time.

So why do some people think 21 is too young to make the commitment of marriage, but old enough to risk having a child with someone you aren't sure you want to be with for the rest of your life?

Which is the bigger risk?

I am immensely proud of my son that he loves his bride enough to commit to her in marriage.