Now, tell me the movie was Star Wars Ep III!!!
No, but that would have been very creepy if it was! eek It was "50 First Dates"--the one (and only) romantic comedy my husband has ever watched with me smile

It seems like meeting online has been fairly popular in this discussion, but with my friends/family, we really were the only ones that have met that way. My sister, and my two closest friends, all met their mates in college. My sister met her future husband at college, dated a month and then broke up, remained friends, and years later got together again (and have been married three years now). My closest friends both met who they are with in college--in classes that their mates happened to share with them.

I had had one serious relationship before my husband (and we met at in a college class we were both taking). I signed up on Yahoo Personals b/c I had moved to a bigger city with my sister, and we were both single. It was really hard to meet anyone--I tend to take awhile to really open up with new people...have to be comfortable to be myself blush , so I figured trying online was a good next step. Amazing how things just sorta happen the way they are supposed to...

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~