I don't have an extensive dating history by any means.

I had my first date at age 19, when I was in college. I met the guy in my Creative Writing class and we hit it off during dinner before class on the 2nd or 3rd week. (It was a 3 hour, once a week night class.) He asked me out and I said yes. That relationship crashed and burned 2.5 months later after I admitted that I was starting to have feelings. (He was scared and bolted on me.)

I then met two guys on dating websites and we went out only once or twice. Neither guy really did it for me.

When I was 22, I met my husband on the Yahoo Personals. He sent me an "ice breaker." I was almost at the end of that month's subscription and was going to end it and take a break. I had about 3 days left, so I emailed him back, figuring I had nothing to lose. I gave him my personal email account, instead of the one the dating site gives you.

He was out of state finishing college - he'd taken a break between semesters at one point. So, for about a month, we emailed back and forth, as well as phone calls. (That first call lasted 2 or 3 hours.) When he got back home, we went out on our first date. (Dinner and a movie.) I don't think either of us wanted that night to end - we'd hit it off perfectly.

We became "officially" boyfriend and girlfriend on our second date - a trip to the zoo. Just after 2 months of dating, he told me that he loved me. I already knew he was the one for me. 6.5 months after our first date, he asked met to marry him.

We're now married 6 years and together for 8 years. (We chose to have a year and a half long engagement.)

Anything and everything became our dates. Dinner, movies, walking the mall, amusement parks, mini golf, bowling, etc. He would even come over to watch Lost with me. (I got him into the show.) Our first kiss was at the end of our first date - he walked me to my door and kissed me. (Come to think of it, I've always been kissed on the first date.)

Anyway, I hope that helps some!

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon