Originally posted by Vicki:
Of course, that did put him in a catch-22. How could Clark propose if he wasn't absolutely honest about who he is? How could he be honest about who is is if he wasn't absolutely sure that Lois would marry him? How could he be sure she'd marry him if he didn't propose? confused
Actually though a lot of men know the answer is going to be yes when they propose. It is possible to know without asking.

The bigger problem with this whole argument is that Clark clearly did not embrace it at the start of ATAI. If Mazik had not called Clark would have said he was Superman. So he evidently did not think he needed to be sure that Lois would marry him before telling her. Well, either that or he was sure Lois would say yes to marrying him. The more I tink about it the less ATAI makes sense. If he is going to tell Lois before she goes through being frozen and covering for him with the police, why does he not tell her after that. It does not add up. Well, it does if you realize that some of the people over the shows creation had not accepted that Lois would have to know, and they dug in their heels against her finding out, but it does not make any sense plot wise.

John Pack Lambert