I'm with Vicki, he shouldn't have felt compelled to tell her the truth during TOGOM. I've used the "you can never take back that secret" angle in a few stories now. To me, that is the whole point. Once Lois knows, she can't unknow the secret. Do you really, really want an ambitious reporter knowing your secret?
He should have found time to tell her between all the inconvenient phone calls and interruptions, especially before he froze her.
I agree with Jackie on this one. At some point before he froze her in ATAI, he should have told her. To me, the perfect time was after she confronted him about robbing the jewelry store. They're both wearing the same clothes the next day, so she obviously didn't go home. If she stayed there all night, why the heck didn't he tell her? I can't believe Lois never questioned why, out of all the people in Metropolis, Jace Mazik picks Clark to rob his store. Surely there had to be better thieves.

But, geez, I admit, I'm a huge sucker for that moment when he touches her cheek as Superman and she recognizes him. Lois gets huge kudos in my book for her quiet dignity and determination to carry on with the scheme even though she's terrified on the inside. Or maybe it's Teri who gets the kudos, because in the space of a few seconds we get shock, then acceptance, and then absolute total trust and love. That scene still blows me away.

Failing that, he should have told her after he took her to the hospital. She obviously (to the audience, anyway) remembered those last moments before being frozen. Her first words to him are "I heard you calling me...". If only she had added a "Clark" in there somewhere. :p

I don't know how far ahead the writers were planning
I don't think anyone had the faintest idea of "plotting" after Deborah Joy Levine left. It was all pretty sloppy after that.

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis