Actually, the "no interviews, no nothing" stuff happens in another fic where Lois gets superpowers. She wants to be called Psychic, and some newspapers instead call her Psychic Girl. (At least I think that's the name it was.)

Re Cat Grant: Just keep her - and add the comics canon figure of Steve Lombard to your story, and you have a male counterpart to Cat. Which leaves you to play with Cat and Claire. Catfight, anyone? goofy

There's also no need to switch Lex' gender, for a male Lex can still be very interested in Claire while playing his battle games with Superwoman. Of course, Claire would know him for who he was, but it might still be interesting to see her rebuff him time and again, and him bugging her apartment and "accidentally" running into her wherever she goes.

Louis has just been flown into the DP from his hair-brained attempt
Please make that a hare-brained attempt, not a hair-brained one. blush I'd suggest you request a beta reader to help you with your grammar and whatever else turns up.

The only known quantity that moves faster than
light is the office grapevine. (from Nan's fabulous Home series)