Originally posted by IolantheAlias:
[QUOTE]There is a tradition of positive criticism and no flaming.
Soooo...Lois can keep her long hair and Tank won’t flame me? smile

Thank you all for the advice and encouragement.

I’ll give more attention to the planning side and see if I can put “writing time” into my schedule (unfortunately doubtful). I’m sure that would help with consistency. Switching between Word (work), Openoffice (home) and paper (everywhere else) probably isn’t helping either. I’m more interested in telling a good story than in hanging onto every word so I think I have a good attitude towards editing. Now I just need to get a plot to help figure out which parts advance it.

By the way, I tend to use smaller fonts writing in Word so I have more on the page which screws up estimating. I just reformatted the story into .TXT and it’s actually 15-20 pages, not 30-40.

I think I have an interesting vignette to post but I was just looking for advice here. I have a few more sections that I want to do and then I’ll be looking for a BR.

I also have a suggestion that seems to be working well for me. Since I’m paranoid about losing files I make frequent backups. I’m trying a little editing as I go but rewriting something I’ve lost never seems to be as good. Then I decided that I would just make a dated backup each time I write. If I delete, edit or fall asleep on the keyboard and replace the entire file with “fffffffffffffffffff” then I still have a usable version somewhere. Storage is cheap these days.

Omit needless words. Omit words. Omit.

-Will Strunk-
