I haven't written any long stories in quite a while, but even the shorts that I throw out on occasion I go back over and wind up making changes.

One thing I've gotten into the habit of doing with my shorts is to read it back out loud. You often find sentences that seem to read just fine, but out loud they sound clumsy and confusing.

As most have said, longer fics definately are well served by the use of a beta reader you trust. For me, I was terrible at spelling and grammar. The beta was hard pressed to keep my on track in just those areas, but being a respected writer herself, she was able to ask me questions, and point out weak points that inevitably lead to improvements to my stories.

One thing you must remember. There are no 'bad' stories; merely different ones.

Anyone who takes the time, effort, and has the courage to put their work out there deserves kudos for that alone.

Tank (who is somewhat amazed that after all these years he still enjoys coming here and reading yet another take on our favorite couple)