As Artemis said, you would probably benefit greatly from a BR.

Do I worry about it at this point or do I finish the story and edit it into shape?
Writers are very different on this - some can't write a paragraph until the one before it is perfect. Others write wildly and then go back and edit later.

Personally, I wouldn't worry at all at this stage. I would simply get the story down and deal with any inconsistencies (plot, style, characterisation) later.

If you really can't find an ending you like, is there any way to turn what you have into a vignette? That way, you've got a smaller piece to try to mold into shape and it's much more satisfying to finish something (smaller) than to battle endlessly with something big. Also, you could post it, be encouraged by the FDK, and probably be ready to tackle something longer.

Hope this helps,
