The issue is that I'm up to 30 - 40 pages and I don't know where this is going. I'm not really worried about the length but I am surprised I'm this far and don't see a solid direction yet. I guess I've never had to plot things out before.
Actually, you're seeing a demo of my writing style. I plot in my head, but I get great ideas from the feedback. In fact, my latest story changed radically from feedback. 30-40 pages is a great start and you should probably ask here for a beta at this point.
I sort of envision the process like painting a painting: first the sketch of the plot to get the ideas; then writing a first draft to see how things are flowing; then getting feedback and maybe new ideas; then filling in the details when you go back.
Hope this helps
Sorry I don't have time to beta now for you. Maybe later when time frees up.

History is easy once you've lived it. - Duncan MacLeod
Writing history is easy once you've lived it. - Artemis