Hi Shallowford,

I am still fairly much of a newbie writer myself -- I started writing L&C fanfic this past spring, and had written very little fiction before that. One thing I have learned from various authors whose works I admire is that the bulk of the writing time is actually spent in re-writing (i.e., editing). Don't worry too much about things like consistency in style in your first draft. The first draft is just to get the ideas "on paper." But do plan to go through several iterations of editing before you publish/post your work. You can iron out your consistency problems at that time.

Again, keep in mind that I am still very much learning the writing craft myself, so take my advice with a grain of salt. FWIW, the other thing I have been learning is that different authors approach the writing process differently. The bottom line is that, regardless of what advice you receive from me or from anyone else, find what works for you and go with it.


p.s., I second Artemis' suggestion of getting beta readers (BRs). I never cease to be amazed by how much my BRs' suggestions improve my own works.