I'm taking the plunge and have started writing my first non-drabble fanfic. Actually, this is the first fiction I've written that wasn't required by a professor and I have a question about the process.

I started with a situation that sounded interesting and I hadn't seen anywhere else. I had a few ideas, tried to put the scenes into some sort of order and started writing. As I've gone along I've thought of other stuff to include and made those additions.

The issue is that I'm up to 30 - 40 pages and I don't know where this is going. I'm not really worried about the length but I am surprised I'm this far and don't see a solid direction yet. I guess I've never had to plot things out before.

How common is this kind of problem? How do you deal with it?

Second question--my writing style is not very consistent. Sometimes I see what I'm writing about clearly and am able to really flesh a scene out and other times not so much. I've read a lot of multiauthored stuff out there that is more consistent than mine. Do I worry about it at this point or do I finish the story and edit it into shape? Suggestions?

