MLT has some good thoughts that I like.

I am just catching up on this but I see that many are in favor of the child being conceived in a marriage and others saying why else would they get married so young.

Having grown up in a culture where sex does not take place outside of marriage (ideally), people marry way too young because, IMO, they confuse sexual attraction with real love. They feel compelled to marry ASAP to explore those feelings "legally". This doesn't mean that the relationship, if both are committed to it, cannot be a loving, lasting marriage, but people change SO much between 18-25. I can see Clark and Lois if raised in a small community feeling the need to marry, but college exposes them to new ideas and they change so much as to cause some strain on their marriage. Superman would futher stress the relationship.

I don't know, that's just my solution. Getting pregnant unexpectedly (first time or soon thereafter) and trying to build a new marriage, manage a house (though I'm sure Clark would be very helpful) all the shile trying to go to college could build up some resentment on Lois' part.

I'm looking forward to the re-write and seeing how despite all odds our favorite couple will end up staying together and loving each other.

