I HATE being called by my fellow students on one hand a gullible maggot/sheep or on the other a murderous fiend who actively tries to push down the plights of women forcing them into roles of insubordination, and placing guns to their heads if they don't have 10 babies each don't ask me which is worse within a philosophical debate I cannot tell
Tell me, Beethoven. As far as I know, the Pope says that "artificial contraceptives" (condoms, the pill, the Dutch cap etcetra) are absolutely forbidden and extremely sinful. Now imagine a married couple who can't make "safe periods" work. They either use artificial contraceptives and doom their immortal souls, or they abstain from sex, or they have perhaps ten babies even though they don't want to. Do you agree with the Pope that they mustn't use contraceptives, because that is a mortal sin, because the Pope says so? If you agree with him, then it seems to me that you really are saying that a married woman who is really fertile has no choice but to have ten babies if she can't persuade her husband to sleep on the couch, and if she doesn't want to commit a mortal sin by using birth control.

Of course, if you don't agree with the Pope that contraceptives are sinful, then the poor super-fertile woman's problems have nothing to do with you.
