This is a fascinating discussion. I have to quote this:

So I guess that'd be the selling point to me - is the story AU only because Clark is a different religion (perhaps a different nationality?) or is the reason he's a different religion or a more religious person part of the world around him being different or a different backstory that somehow contributes to something bigger than just him being different? Both types of stories have their merits, but I'd be more a fan of the latter, because of the kind of AU's I like (whole world being different v. characters being different or being the same with different jobs or meeting later or whatever). If it's all about Clark being different than he is here, then he needs to be really different. Whatever religious belief he holds has to affect how he sees things and make him a different person than our Clark. You can't just say "he's exactly the same, except he's a priest." I definitely think it's absolutely fine to include religion in fiction, and would be fine for Clark in an AU fanfic, if someone wanted to work at it (as long as the author knows the religion they are talking about - elsewise they could end up depicting the religion wrongly, and I think that'd be a can of worms).
Because it's close to how I feel about the matter. When I look at AUs (which is a fraught genre to begin with, right?) what strikes me is why the differences are there. Is it something to contribute to plot? If it doesn't there's a risk that it might sound gratuitous. That it's something that calls attention to itself as being somehow titillating. Normally a little of that is permissible (or even desirable ), but the fact that it's religion might complicate matters in the fic's reception.

For instance, in some soul mates motif thing, it'd be interesting to see Clark in a different culture following a different set of beliefs (so say I dunno, ancient Egypt--not to ruffle any feathers). How does that affect the characters?

It's a complicated thing. But it does have the potential to be extremely interesting and thought provoking. Research would be key in any case.

My two cents.


One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan