Originally posted by ChiefPam:

Off-topic, Carol, it's interesting to hear you say that about your upbringing. I go to an Assemblies of God church and our pastor (the former Baptist who had to switch when he started speaking in tongues) is against drinking but says that's not the church's official position. I think there's a lot of leeway in the cultures of the different churches. The AoG isn't actually a denomination, it's more of a loose association; a lot of decisions are made on the local church level.
Pam, around here it's considered a denomination *G* - of course, we live near the 'holy city' when it comes to AG. Our church is interdenominational [as I understand it - we believe denominations have a place but we choose not to be a part of one - we started going because of the pastor - I already knew him sort of - and stayed because they became family]. Our pastor was also raised Baptist, and actually raised here.

My grandpa was a preacher so maybe that has something to do with it. When I moved here to go to school, Dad wouldn't let me bring the playing cards even to play solitaire. He's absolutely scandalized that we play poker for *gasp* money! Not much but still... His new girlfriend has a glass of wine occasionally with her daughter's in laws [Catholic Italians] and even danced at her wedding - he refuses to go with her to one of those 'events'. He's already said he won't go to my sister's wedding [if there ever is one] if she does either of those.

As much as I love him [mostly], he is the extremely rigid, completely uncompromising, judgmental types that can give any religion a bad name - though he's better than some.

Back On Topic: if I read fiction with religion as a part of it, it tends to be by just a few authors I trust. I would likely read Erin's book even though it's Mormon [I think?] because I 'know' her, but I wouldn't seek out books about Mormons and may even avoid them [as in if I had two to pick from when purchasing, I'd probably pick the other something] just because it's not *my* beliefs and I don't have a lot of disposable cash or time for stuff like that. If I want to challenge my beliefs etc., it's unlikely I'll do it via fiction.

That said, I'll read just about any good story on the boards regardless of religious aspect - as long as the religious aspect is treated with respect - sort of like we talked about before with Bones.