Jor-El so loved the world that he sent his only begotten son to save it, etc.
I remember someone posting on this a while back on another board. Called Jor-El a liar. Sure, you're sending your son here to show us the way - has nothing to do with the fact that your planet is about to blow up. goofy

Really, the parallels were a bit more with Moses in the early comics - Kal-El was sent away to save Kal-El's life, not to save humankind. And that's found in various myths and folk tales, too.

Tgizone, is it Shatterfall that you're reading? Fabulous story. I just wish the author would update more often!
Yes, it is, and I love, love, love it. Best fic I've read in a long time. One of the best fics I've ever read. Despite the contradictions in timeline (Superman says he's known Luthor as a scientist for 15 years, but then we hear that 15 years ago (or maybe 17, since time passes in the story) Luthor was 14. One reference says no journalist has been jailed under the Good Citizen act in a decade and another says Lois was protecting her people from it recently.) But still wonderful. The world itself is so fantastic, so real and the characters are enough like ours and yet fit in that world so well, with their weariness and sometimes passivity (compared to our characters). Oh, and the perspective it's written from is so limited, and yet it works so well. I love it. I can talk about it for ages and and ages just talking about all the cool stuff in that story and how it all fits together to make such a great whole.