I'm not the one who makes decisions like that, Olympe. When this new message board was established, they put in the Original Fic folder.

There is only so much room on this board and it *is* a Lois and Clark board, after all, not a general Superman board. There are plenty of Superman Returns fanfiction boards, and plenty of Chris Reeve Superman boards around. There may, for all I know, be fanfiction boards for the George Reeves version.

I, for one, see nothing wrong with L&C/Superman Returns crossovers, or crossovers of any kind if someone wants to write them. I'm probably not going to make myself very popular saying this, but I don't want to see the board diluted with other versions of Superman. No one is stopping anyone from visiting Smallville or SR fanfiction boards, but I doubt they'll be able to convince the owners of those other boards to add L&C.

If anyone is counting votes, mine is to keep things as they are.


PS: I see that Labrat got her reply in while I was running back and forth and trying to write this while doing a dozen other things.

Don't think I didn't like SR and some of the other Supermen down the years, but this one caught my interest like none of the others ever have. I'm glad that the board administrators see things the way they do.

Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.