I don't see why People are troubled by the Smallville L&C not looking like Dean & Teri's L&C. Just assume that they DO look alike.
Sorry if I missed it, but who said that was the problem? If we can deal with two different Jimmys in the same series, I think we can handle different actors playing the same roles on different series.

Personally, my main problem with Smallville is that I can't imagine the Clark Kent I saw on that show (the eps I did see, anyway, and reviews I've seen of other eps written by various people) ever growing up to be Superman, the paragon of virtue we know and love. He doesn't have the morality or the conviction. His father isn't going to help with that, either. And his mother seems to spend most her her time offscreen, probably tilling the kryptonite in the back yard or dealing with giant mutated kryptonite-powered carnivorous plants who insist on being called "Seymour."

Still, a crossover would be doable. I'd just want to see the author treat Smallville as some kind of strange alternate universe. Maybe one where Clark Kent is on the path to becoming Ultraman ...


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.