Ironically, I think I side with the fandom's narrow focus at the moment. That may be part of what's keeping the goods here at such a high quality.

Consider: If you go to a dedicated, un-diluted Trek site, you can expect to find fans who are well versed in science and pseudo-science.

If you go to a fandom based on a videogame, you find kids and H4ck3rs. wink

Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman was aimed at adults, and especially women. The result is fans who come knowing to expect maturity and sensitivity on some levels, and the fact that they stay demonstrates that they're okay with that.

IMHO. *g*

Perhaps what we should do is colonize the internet....

We can load a server with memory and goods, and sail out for some small corner of wild, untamed cyberspace where we can set up an SR-only fandom, or a Smallville only fandom. Any natives already present can easily be converted or mowed down, of course, and we shall harvest many exotic fics very cheaply! Aside from the many wonderful new fics we import, we can also impose a tarriff on FoLCs in the other fandom, to help support LCFicMbs.

This may eventually cause ill feelings, of course, which left unchecked could result in a major dumping of files out of spite, and then an all-out flame war with the other fandom eventually petitioning fans of some French show for an alliance. The end result would be a complete break, with the SR/Smallville fandom writing its own new rules and ellecting its own moderator. This shocking turn of events would of course inspire members of other fandoms (Buffy, StarTrek, Monk..,) to join them, and so they'd place on their home page a little figure of a woman holding a laptop, bearing the inscription
"Give me your carpal-tunnelled, your N00bs, your huddled shippers yearning to type free..."
And things might be rocky for a while, but then we would eventually be on friendly terms again.
Except they would be somewhat obnoxious, and have little-to-no sense of culture.

