I must say I have an aversion to cross-over stories. I find in this series and other fanfic series I've read that the cross-over characters are to important to the story. If it is based on a show you don't watch then the story has very little meaning for you. At least for me.

Although I saw the Chris R movies when they came out and have all the tapes I am not really a fan after seeing LnC. I always thought the Margot Kidder was miscast. Even though I always believed that Lois was a strong female, take no prisoners character I also felt she should be attractive and feminine. She also should have a vulnerable side. None of which I saw in Margo Kidder as Lois. And don't get me started on

Chris R. as Clark. I know it was the writing and not his idea of how to play the character but a bigger clumsy dork I've never seen. I understand that Clark doesn't want to seem strong and capable as Superman but they took the dork to far in the movies. Even SR. To have someone who looked so buff and ATHLETIC being so clumsy and dorky as in the movies doesn't work. To me it called more attention to Clark than he should want. I would find myself watching to try and figure what the act was for. Not Good for Clark.

LnC and Dean's take was of a regular guy who could get distracted and bump into a desk because he wasn't paying attention, and maybe even a little cowardly because he thought one should be careful. Dean's Clark was more "Regular Joe" who was kind of laid back and maybe a little distracted at times. For me it was a more believable and desirable Clark. The Clark from the movies just wouldn't really attract Lois at all.

Of course this is all just my opinion basic on what works for me in the Clark/Superman mythos or world.

Oh I don't mind the Altnerate Universe stories based on LnC but I especially like them when they include both sets of Lois and Clark.

hail Most of all I praise all of you who are able to write these stories.