Originally posted by Arawn:

Dandello, I’m just curious, why do you want to post SR fanfiction on an L&C board? There seems to be a legion of fanfic sites dedicated SR and I assume a much greater interest?

BTW Wendy, I have a suggestion wink , the general L&C board is pretty much just games, I think it would better to turn into a board for everything superman related.(You know those subject that turns up in off topic forum now) because interesting discussions tend to stray over the entire spectrum and it’s seems unnecessary, to me, to have a moderator step in when it not directly L&C related. Of course in practice it likely wouldn’t make much difference, but perhaps the board could get a little more traffic.
First, I find the L&C universe so absolutely rich in characters and characterization that I find it impossible not to add major L&C elements into the SR setting. I find the response on the general SR writing boards to be on the order of 'oh I like it - when's the next section coming, did you hear what Brandon Routh did to Imp? Oh, where is New Troy...'

Second - I really appreciate the professionalism of the writing here. Believe me 'I cant bare to se it reigning' gets awfully tiring. This has to be to most polished writing board out there in any genre. And this is BEFORE it gets to the GEs.

That said, I'll try to behave myself. blush

Big Apricot Superman Movieverse
The World of Lois & Clark
Richard White to Lois Lane: Lois, Superman is afraid of you. What chance has Clark Kent got? - After the Storm